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Šárka Juřinová

Probudit v dětech lásku k historii je Šárčiným (Šárka Juřinová) snem, který i díky kurzu Spiralis mění v realitu. Podařilo se jí přilákat do unikátního Archeologického parku Liboc o stovky návštěvníků více, třeba i sloganem Metrem do středověku. A díky znovunabitému sebevědomí získala post ředitelky Regionálního muzea v Jílovém u Prahy.

Šárka Juřinová

Šárka loves history, studied archaeology, and co-founded the Liboc Archaeological Park. She worried that few people knew about the beautiful park, located on the western edge of Prague; and wanted more children and adults to enjoy the area. Through Spiralis’s leadership training, Šárka had access to professional guidance and mentoring. „Thanks to individual steps laid out by my mentor, I managed a successful launch to the season, increasing park attendance by 450 children! “ Šárka also gained the expertise and self-confidence to succeed in her professional ambitions, and was selected to become the director of the Regional Museum in Jílové u Prahy. Thanks to Spiralis, Šárka’s dreams became reality.